*COVER REVEAL* Breaking Down Sydney by Brittney Coon

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Coming May 10th from Limitless Publishing

A Sydney West Novel, Book 2
Cover Designer: TOJ Publishing Services

Sydney West’s new relationship might
have survived Malibu, but her transformation from party girl to girlfriend
isn’t complete…
Sydney is back in Arizona, and with the fall semester at her doorstep,
doubts about her so-called summer love start to plague her. A good girl can
only stay good for so long. Jason King changed her and made her wonder if love
was real. But now, far from his charm, and with the party scene on campus in
full swing, the magic is fading…

Jason isn’t willing to let distance drive
a wedge between them…
A surprise reunion and a romantic cabin getaway is enough to reignite their
summertime spark, but Sydney isn’t convinced this whole monogamous,
meeting-your-parents thing Jason wants is possible. No boy has ever met her
mother. Then, when a sudden family tragedy strikes, it sends her spiraling into
her old habits of booze and boys.

Sydney can only hide from her past
for so long…
In the fog of drowning her sorrows, Sydney realizes her former party
lifestyle won’t make her happy. Her one-night stands ended with Jason. As much
as she wants to believe in that far-fetched fairytale ending, she’s afraid if
Jason finds out about all her summer boys, he will abandon her just like her
father did.
Jason refuses to settle for the superficial shell Sydney keeps between them,
though, and is determined to…

Down Sydney once and for all.


Brittney Coon graduated Magna Cum Laude from Arizona State University with a Bachelor of Science in Communication and a minor in Film and Media Production. Brittney has always been creative and turned to writing to share the stories playing through her head. In her spare time she reads, watches Friends, attends rock concerts, and hangs out with her cats. She currently lives in Arizona.


General Update

Hello, wonderful people. I know it’s been a very long while since I’ve written a post of substance. A lot has been going on in my libeekeepingfe, so I haven’t had a lot of time.

Those who follow me on social media know that I was served divorce papers the day after Valentine’s Day. I’ve since moved back to the family farm, where I’ve been gutting and renovating an 80-year-old one-room cabin to live in, working on growing my editing business, and—apparently—taking up beekeeping.

I have a new boyfriend, too: Phoenix, my best friend, who has inspired so many of my novels and taken me on so many dark and hilarious adventures over the past year. It’s a long-distance relationship, and an odd one, and I don’t know where it will go. He is fifteen years younger than I am. He has schizophrenia. His lifestyle and rituals are very different from my own. I love him to cabina (probably literally) insane degree, though. He has taught me more about myself and the world in the past year than I learned in the thirty-seven years before I met him. He is an important part of my life and always will be, no matter what happens.

A lot of you also know that I ended up in a mental health crisis center a few weeks ago, after it all got a little too heavy. I got help, and will get to start psychiatric treatment again this coming week. I’m going to finally be honest with the psychiatrist and hopefully get a valid diagnosis and some treatment that works.

Throughout all this, I’ve been writing, editing, marketing. I went to the RT Booklovers conference in Vegas. I’m finishing up the final edits on my May 31st release The Hustle, which is Book 1 of my Other Place series. I’ve also worked with some truly aphoenix n memazing editing clients, continued work on a YA alternate-earth fantasy novel, finished some of the parts of my Wattpad series The Story of Tinkerbell (which will be featured when it’s done), and I started pitching my neurodiverse YA romance True Story to agents.

All this stuff is hard to process and integrate, as you might imagine. On the one hand, there’s the supposedly professional Liz, who is writing/publishing/editing/marketing, trying to grow her business and her brand. Then there’s the Liz who is trying to keep her life from disintegrating, who is trying to keep herself alive, off the streets, and out of the mental institution, all while taking care of her wonderful daughter.

At the RT conference, I got the opportunity to talk to a lot of the panels on writing and publishing diverse novels. In the midst of all those thousands of writers and readers, I felt most at home amongst those authors. It was so comforting to hear them talk about the barriers they’ve faced in marketing and publishing, because they’re some of the same ones I’m encountering: people want “diversity” in their novels, but they don’t necessarily want books that explore what it’s really like to live as a diverse person in this world. The term for this is, I believe, “whitewashing”. I think this term is applicable to my situation, even though I’m not a POC, I’m a neurodiverse writer who writes about neurodiverse characters.

I also learned a lot about “branding” at the RT conference—about presenting yourself and your novels in a way that’s both unique and compelling, so that readers learn to associate you with a certain image and type of writing and know what to expect when they buy your books. I learned that you’re supposed to simultaneously present an marketable image while being professional and genuine.

It’s hard for me to be both professional and genuine, though. I can’t present an image to the public that’s widely compelling while still being myself. The problems I encounter with branding myself and getting the public to embrace and accept me are the same problems I’ve struggled with in getting people to want to read about my characters: most people like the concept of a story about a person with psychosis or other neurodiverse behaviors, but when it comes down to seeing what it’s like to actually live with neurodiversity, it’s a little much for them. I’m told, about my books, that the writing is good but people can’t relate to the characters. I’m told my plots are odd. I’m told that I, as a person, am oversharing and trying to be a special snowflake. That “we’re all crazy, but we don’t have to talk about it all the time.” In short, I’m told that I’m annoying, and that my characters are, too.

I am being the only person that I know how to be, though. It would be more convenient to be someone else sometimes. I’d still be happily married if I knew how to be someone else, and I’d probably have a much easier and more lucrative job. But I love writing. It’s what I was meant to do. And I love my characters and my plots. I wouldn’t want to write books that were more “typical”.

There are some people who love me despite or because of all this, and there are people who love my books. The Other Place Series will be coming out soon, as I mentioned—The Hustle on 5/31, The Other Place on 7/5, and the third and final installment shortly after that (it’s currently with betas). This series is about a recovering heroin addict and a young schizophrenic man, and I’m grateful to Limitless for taking a chance on it. Additionally, my YA romance, which stars a young woman with bipolar psychosis, got five requests on the lovely Beth Phelan’s #DVPit for diverse novels, and one of those requests so far has turned into a full. I’m hopeful that book will find a home soon.

So, for what it’s worth, I’m growing my brand: I’m the crazy lady who writes books about crazy people. I’m being genuine. I’m hopeful that sooner or later the world will accept me for who I am. For now, I’m still alive, and I’m still writing. Thank you for reading.


Here it finally is! Isn’t it grand?

THE HUSTLE by Elizabeth Roderick
Publisher: Limitless Publishing
Release Date: May 31, 2016
Cover Designer: TOJ Publishing
Liria is nineteen, homeless, and addicted to heroin…
She’s also determined to not end up dead—like her mother. But every time she tries to get clean, on her feet, and back on the employment train, everything falls apart. This time is different. This time, she knows there are only two choices—addiction or death. Once she gets clean, though, her life ends up even rockier than before.
Desperate for help, Liria goes to the one person she can count on for a safe place to stay and regular meals—her father, Cyryl Czetski. However, she soon learns Cyryl isn’t her real father, and he wants a very different kind of relationship. Liria ultimately rejects his advances and ends up on the streets yet again, this time working in an illegal strip club.
Finally taking control of her life, Liria lands a job in a Vegas nightclub, where she meets Arty—the woman of her dreams.
Arty is beautiful, funny, and rich. But when other nightclub employees turn up dead—including Liria’s best friend, Lee—Liria suspects the business might be a front for something far more sinister.
When Arty reveals Liria’s life is also in danger, she promises to keep her safe. But Arty’s acting strangely, and seems to know too much about the mysterious deaths. Is she really trying to save her, or is she holding her hostage, using her as a pawn in a game Liria doesn’t understand? 
Liria thought she was used to always second guessing everyone’s intentions. That’s how life is. But if the drugs don’t ruin her, The Hustle will…
ELIZABETH RODERICK grew up as a barefoot ruffian on a fruit orchard near Yakima, in the eastern part of Washington State. After weathering the grunge revolution and devolution in Olympia, Washington, Portland, Oregon and Seattle, she recently moved to the (very, very) small town of Shandon, California: a small cluster of houses amidst the vineyards of the Central Coast.
She earned a bachelor’s degree in Spanish from The Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington, and worked for many years as a paralegal and translator. She went on to study chemistry, physics, and higher mathematics, with the goal of becoming a research chemist, but was eventually forced to concede that graduate school would require too much time away from her husband and daughter, and that–despite her good-enough grades –she was perhaps the wrong kind of nerd for such pursuits, being more the type that likes to dress in cloaks and hauberks rather than lab coats and goggles.
She is a musician and songwriter, and has played in many bands. She’s rocked pretty much every instrument, including some she doesn’t even know the real names for, but mostly guitar, bass and keyboards. She has two albums of her own, which you can listen to at pimentointhehole.com. She writes fiction novels for young adults and adults, as well as short stories, and keeps an active blog at pimentointhehole.com/blog.

*Cover Reveal* Warning Signs by Alexandra Moore!

WARNING SIGNS by Alexandra Moore

Broken Promises Series #2

Publisher: Limitless Publishing

Release Date: May 10, 2016


After spending two years on the run following an assault that nearly took her life, Bea Morrison returns home…

But home isn’t how she left it. Her mother is ailing with dementia and now lives with her brother, Ben. Even Ben isn’t the same. An incredibly famous rock star, he is bitter and angry over Bea’s self-inflicted exile. But Bea can’t explain why she left—it’s impossible to describe what living with PTSD means, and how her life has turned into hell.

But that’s not the only issue that’s kept Bea away for so long…

A deep depression has taken possession of her, to the point that getting out of bed becomes a chore. The relentless paparazzi chasing Ben’s fame only heighten her anxiety. And family secrets are far from dead and buried. It takes just one meeting with an old friend, Splinter Nightingale, to make her path clear—move to Connecticut, attend college, and start an ordinary life.

Her plan for a semi-normal life is going fine—until she meets Professor David Long…

It isn’t long until David shows an interest in Bea, and soon after, interest turns to obsession. Fearing for her safety, Bea sees everything falling to pieces. And right when she finds a way out, she vanishes a second time…and not by choice.

Bea must find something worth fighting for, or she will face death yet again. This time she may not make it back alive…




My name is Alexandra Moore. I’ve been creating stories since I could talk. I’ve been putting them onto paper since I could write. Writing books is my dream and my passion, alongside with rescuing African Pygmy Hedgehogs, retired race Greyhounds, French Bulldogs, and other various animals I’m probably allergic too. 

I’m convinced I’m the blood of the dragon, and the Mother of Dragons. 

When I’m not watching GoT, I’m watching Grey’s Anatomy (again) on Netflix, and crying over all the MerDer feels. I also spend time with my Boston Terrier Tank and my boyfriend. Both are my cuddle buddies, and I’m afraid the dog is around more often. I don’t bite (unless provoked) so feel free to tweet at me, or leave a comment on one of my InstaPics. I can’t wait until my book is in print, and to share my thoughts with the rest of the world. 

– Social Media Links – 

*Cover Reveal* All Over You by Ayden Morgen


All Falls Down Series (Standalone)

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Release Date: May 1st, 2016
Cover Designer: Jada D’Lee Designs


Ivy Kendall’s only
plan for her life was to teach, but then it all fell apart…
When Rory Clark disappears from UCLA after a lengthy online relationship with a
“catfish” pretending to be Ivy, the sassy former model turned kindergarten
teacher is forced to dive headfirst into the mystery in order to clear her
name. The catfishing phenomenon meets good, old-fashioned police work when
Cameron Lewis, a bossy San Francisco detective with a dominant streak, offers
to help her uncover the awful truth about her stolen identity and Rory’s

They’ve barely scratched the surface when Ivy
is charged with a murder she swears she didn’t commit.

As the evidence against her piles up and the intense attraction between her and
Cameron deepens, Ivy wants nothing more than to lean on the tattooed detective.
He’s already seen her at her worse. Now she has to find the courage to trust
him with her heart. But how can she when she’s terrified doing so will
ruin his career?

Her greatest fear becomes reality when the ugly
truth is revealed and their lives come tumbling down around them.

Betrayed by the one person she never suspected, Ivy makes a reckless decision
that puts her in the sights of a murderer and jeopardizes Cameron’s career. He
will do whatever it takes to save the woman he loves…even if that means
becoming a killer himself.

Will he be able to reach her
before it’s too late, or will Rory’s catfish take more than just one life?

All Over You is a completely standalone sister novel to the All Falls Down duo, intended for readers aged 18 and over.

Pre-Order now available!
Maroon 5’s Payphone rips through my bedroom,
pulling me out of a deep sleep.
I groan and roll toward
my nightstand, searching blindly for my cell. My head is pounding and my mouth
feels like sandpaper. I never want to leave my bed. Why did I let Erin talk me
into drinking so much?
Oh, right. Because
she’s the devil, and I’m clearly a glutton for punishment.
“I think I hate
you, and I’m definitely never drinking vodka with you again,” I mumble
into the receiver, pulling the blankets up over me and groaning. “How are
you even functioning right now? My head is killing me.” Cracking my eyes
open, I frown at the black marker scrawled across my forearm. “And why the
hell am I naked with your name and phone number written on me?” Lifting my
arm so I can read the text beneath her number, I groan again. “Property of Erin? In permanent marker? Seriously,
you whore? That’s never going to come off! I’m firing you as my best
“Uh…” a
masculine voice answers with a chuckle.
I sit upright, my eyes
widening. The blankets fall from around me and my head throbs in protest.
“You aren’t
Erin.” I blurt the first thing that comes to mind.
“No,” the guy
says with another dark chuckle. “I’m afraid not.”
My mouth works, but no
sound comes out. I cannot believe I
didn’t look at the phone before I started spouting off. Holding it away from my
face, I squint at the number. It’s familiar, but I can’t place it. And it’s
already noon. I never sleep this late.
Jesus, what did Erin and I do last night?
I remember vodka, and
Mitch and Erin grinding on the dance floor while Jake and I laughed our asses
off at the two of them. A group of frat guys tried to pick us up at some point
after my last set. Is that when Erin wrote on my arm? I can’t remember. I think
Mitch poured us into cabs around three in the morning. Everything that happened
in between is a little fuzzy, though.
I hate vodka. And my
best friend.
“You still
there?” the man asks, still laughing at me.
“Yes. W-who are
you?” I hold the phone up to my ear, praying it’s no one important.
“This is Detective
Lewis with the San Francisco Police Department. I’m trying to reach Miss Ivy
Well, there goes my
“Oh my god,”
I whisper-groan, flopping backward on the bed. “This isn’t happening. I’m
dreaming. Please tell me I’m dreaming this whole thing and I didn’t actually
just call you a whore and tell you that I’m naked.” I squeeze my eyes
closed and whimper as soon as the word naked slips from my lips. Great. I just
told a cop that I’m not wearing any clothes. Twice.
Detective Lewis laughs
loudly into the phone. It’s a nice laugh, all dark and low, masculine.
My stomach flutters.
“Miss Kendall, I
I consider telling him no.
He can’t tell my boss I’m an alcoholic with questionable morals who can’t remember
what the hell she did last night and definitely shouldn’t be allowed around
impressionable children if he doesn’t know it’s me…right?
Kendall?” he says, and I think he’s even more amused now.
Yep. I definitely hate
my best friend.
“Yes, this is Ivy,”
I say with a sigh and bite back the urge to tell him I’m not usually a crazy
person. There’s just no way to recover now, so why even bother? I’ve already
humiliated myself enough, thank you very much.





Ayden lives in the heart of
Arkansas with her childhood sweetheart/husband of twelve years, and their five
furry minions. When not writing, she spends her time hiking, reading,
volunteering, causing mischief, and building a Spork army. Ayden graduated summa
cum laude
with her Bachelor of Science degree in Criminal Justice and Forensic
Psychology in 2009 before going on to complete her graduate degree in CJ and
Law. She currently puts her education to use in the social services and CJ field. 

Ayden also writes Young and New Adult fantasy under the penname A.K. Morgen.


You can find her on Twitter, Facebook, or via her website at http://aydenmorgen.com.

All Falls Down is FREE to newsletter subscribers. Sign up here to claim your copy!